February "Black History Month" At "Exotique" Durham North Carolina
February "Black History Month" At "Exotique" Durham North Carolina
April Private Showing at "Exotique" Durham North Carolina
May 2nd-3rd "Depot Street St. Festival" Salisbury North Carolina (Juried)
June 20th "Art on Easy Street" Salisbury North Carolina (Juried)August 28 - October 4th 31st Annual Duke Employee Art Show" The first Annual Exhibit and Awards with "The National Arts Programs" (Juried)
October 4th "Festifall" Chapel Hill North Carolina (Juried)
Nov 21-22nd Invited Guest at "Exotique" in Conjunction with Fall Durham Art Walk
August 25th 32nd Annual Duke Employee Art Show" The 2nd Annual Exhibit and Awards with "The National Arts Programs" (Juried)
August 28th "Lazy Daze" Chapel Hill, North Carolina (Juried)
September 17th-18th "Centerfest" Durham, North Carolina (Juried)
October 23rd "Yart Sale" Durham, North Carolina
2010 November 20th - 21st Invited Guest at "Exotique"
in Conjunction with Durham's "Holiday Market" Art Walk